Murphys law
With all the things that can, will (and have) gone wrong there are so many more things that have gone right. I am especially thankful for my family this holiday season. Where I am at in life, may not be where I thought I would be but it is so much better.It's entertaining hearing so many people discussing/stressing over not having their Christmas shopping done, or it is done but heaven forbid it isn't wrapped. I haven't started my shopping yet and I am more than content. Why do we all get so consumed with this? Trust me, I have struggled with my own shopping addictions. But when it comes to this time of year I just don't think it is worth it. We get to see our families if we are lucky, sometimes only a few hours, but they are there. By time the gifts are tore open, mess cleaned up, who didn't get what, who didn't get enough, then just like that everyone is gone again. Don't paint me a Scrooge because I love the holiday season, but I like how the decorating, the cookie making, the story books, the movies, the family time makes me feel. Why is it so hard to sit back and enjoy the little things?So as I sit here, house freezing and snowed in, I am glad to be working on others gifts for Christmas, the family photos and memories that tend to be replaced by the newest gadgets. Everyone have a wonderful day, stay safe and warm, here is a sneak peek for the Murphy family.Sami