The lighter side

Now we've talked plenty about the incessant ramblings of my crazy daughter Clara.  Maybe it's time to meet my son Andrew!  Born premature at 32 weeks, 4lbs 4ozs he was my angel!  After a 2.5 week stay in the NICU he was good as gold and able to come home.  As a toddler the boy would only wear camouflage clothes!  I remember fighting in the mornings to get him dressed otherwise, it was awful, so I did the best thing possible ... bought enough camouflage so I didn't have to do laundry every other day.  Aside from that there wasn't much to keep up after him, he was a very pleasant young man.  It's a lot harder to get him to scratch mommy's back like he used to, of course when he was little I would let him draw on my back with markers, so he didn't realize him having fun was all about me!  Haha!  Just the other day I talked him into sitting behind me here in my chair to scratch my back, of course as he lifts my shirt I hear -- OH MOM, you are not wearing a bra!  I said well no, no I'm not.  His response -- Well I sure hope you don't turn around real fast and one of those things come and hit me, I would feel uncomfortable.  End Scene, I just didn't know what to say.  As he proceeds he tells me that his right boob is bigger than his left boob-- you're 10, you're a boy, you're skin and bones, you don't have boobs.  What a day.Once upon a time Andrew was riding with Mommy to take random picturesWhen they came upon the cemetery, freshly mowed, headstones covered in grassHis concern about them being left that way, his comment "that isn't very respectful"So out he goes, point and shoot in hand, brushing grass off and awayHis heart, melts mommies...


Sad schmad!


How'do !