Getting the top bunk!
Just about a year ago I had the pleasure of meeting a very nice couple, slightly wondering to myself if I may be more to handle than they bargained for...We sat, we chitted and chatted. About the big day, the hopes, the plans and this soft spoken couple knew exactly what they wanted. Over the past several months via email we nailed the details of the whens, wheres, whos and hows. But nothing could've prepared me for what was to take place on this, their wedding weekend of June 11th, 2011...Every group is different, everyone leaving a special place in my heart and memories different than the last. Grateful. To have walked away from another 2 day job feeling like I was just with extended family! This is what some people call work?! I like to think of it more as an amazing get together with friends and family (where yes I am in fact paid... lol)! They saying always goes you can't choose your family, but I do in fact believe they choose me. Proof yet again yesterday and today, with an outstanding group of people. Very laid back, great humor, personalities (a Cheshire cat no less) and full of love!The rehearsal under belt, no intoxication speech givenThunder and lightening rolling in, a fresh rain from heavenTo the Phoenix for diner, oh! quick to finish reception by ElevenThe big day tomorrow, friends. family. a WEDDIN!A much awaited event, it's finally hereWho and to where will pin all these boutineers?!The dress is on with pictures to take, smiles all around (not even fake!)Dearest friends and family, their guests for the daySoon will be time, vows of love, blessings and to prayYou may kiss the bride, although the Minister will not sayHere's to you, Emily and Mark - A new journey starts today!Here is a brief sneak peek! To getting the top bunk kind'a happy.. ask that one guy! Lol|Sami