Pinky Promise
My sister happens to live 2 hours away from me, which means I have the pleasure of a group of friends also 2 hours away. It is always an honor and a pleasure being requested to photograph special events for these friends a whole 2 hours away! Nothing made me happier than to hear from April, a girl who over the past several years has been just another one of my sister's kids. From traveling down here with the family at Christmas, to my many visits that direction and phone calls trying to figure out dog training together, I was always thankful to be graced with her fun personality and heart warming smile! April is just, family.When I heard of April's engagement to Lucas, that he was a fellow member of the military as my brother-in-law and nephews, and that there was approval from our mutual family, I knew she had a great man. I was stunned and very moved that she asked me to capture their engagement photos. We planned to get them done before Lucas had to leave for training, and lucky for me at a time my nephew was home on a last minute leave before deploying overseas for a second tour along with his dad. We had an amazing day! No day that starts off with paint balling can go bad!After hours of paint balling it was time to get cleaned up and ready for business! Now little did Lucas know what he was in store for... I can be a bit of a smart *** and maybe sometimes I can be a bit demanding, but come on... what man wouldn't smile a thousand smiles with a hottie like April at his side. I learned my lesson when it came to siding with the mother of the groom... but it was still all in good fun and I do believe in the end he knew as much. I also learned, there are certain things you just can NOT make a man do! Scrabble on the town square was a stretch but he did give in, the rest just will not need to be discussed (apparently, "people know me I live here", is important in a man's thought process). You both have a great connection and I look forward to watching you continue growing in your life together! Congratulations on your engagement and I hope everything works out so I may attend your wedding day.Sami