My home is clean

A smidgen of perfection, it is true.  Don't hate me.  But my house, our home is clean.  Always.

I get lost in these moments sometimes.  You know the moments you walk into a room with a purpose, then bam -no idea what so ever once you get into that room?!  These happen (often)  and without meaning to brag, there are times it is the result of being in awe of how clean my home is.  I have 3 kids. But before you stop reading, before you slam the window shut on this boastful overachiever -please let me explain!

I will just use this one morning, one room, for the purpose of my explanation.

Sam and I get home from taking Andrew and Clara to school every weekday morning, and as I walk through the door I see -Andrew and Clara.  No I am not crazy, ok fine, I am.  But hear me out.  I won't be the first to pretend I haven't been the crazy ocd Mama.  And I won't go as far to lie and say I don't still have set in ways.  My home is clean.

Andrew got up early, had breakfast and went on out to work in the garage.  When it was time to leave for school he changed shoes in the kitchen, leaving his knee boots and jacket by the table.  But my kitchen is clean, Andrew was here.

Clara has a journal for school they have been writing stories in.  While she ate breakfast she had her journal out adding to her story.  She was wearing some extra jewelry while she wrote a tale of princesses, but decided it was too much to wear to school.  So there sits her journal and discarded extra bling.  Right on the kitchen table -abandoned for the day.  But my kitchen is clean, Clara was here.

Sam is on his big boy journey, which includes the love of applesauce.  And of course, feeding himself the applesauce.  Two spoons at a time, one in each hand.  Whatever happens of those two spoons proves to be a daily mini mystery, a spectacular ploy by my littlest little to no doubt secure the chance for future mischievous adventures.  But my kitchen is still clean, Sam was here.

Insert future mischief -path of crumbs leading to the toaster on the floor.  And you guessed it -my kitchen is still clean, I laugh, Sam was here.

My home is clean, my kids were here.

I am in awe of the blessings of my clean home, so many others aren't as lucky to ever know the way it feels.  And sadly others, suffer the most tragic of loses which can make those clean house moments slowly fade.  One day the boots will be gone, the stories will fade and the feeling of crumbs stuck to my bare feet a distant memory -memories I pray never to forget.

Challenge yourself -take pride in your clean house.  Live it, love it, even photograph it!  Don't spend too much time trying to perfect, what is already your masterpiece.  It just takes a moment to stop and preserve it!

My home is clean -my handsome, beautiful & fantastically silly kids are here!  And these, are our memories.

Take good care and travel safe, Samiriley110813_5432riley110813_5433riley110813_5439riley110813_5429riley110813_5431My home is clean, Sam was hereriley110813_5434


She was funny, she always smelled like peppermints


The Life