are you my mother?

The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new. -Rajneesh..And let us not forget, just because we become a mother, doesn’t mean we are no longer an individual, a soul, deserving of self love and worthy of still identifying with who we are at our core -not just ‘Susan’s mom’. We can only teach our children to love themselves and honor their own path, if we are able to show them we value that within ourselves.I am a Mom, but I was first and still am-Sami ..This beautiful momma was so kind as to be a model at a recent photography retreat I attended for continued learning -so blessed. ....#eleven18photo #maternity #boudoir #photography #beautiful #glowing #gorgeous #pregnant #mother #selflove #ishootcanon #canonusa #illinoisphotographer #keeperoftime #documentlife #photographscarryusintothefuture #allowinggenerationstoviewthepast


Sun hats, Swollen lips

