Family, is Family.

It is with a somewhat heavy heart I write tonight.  It has been a bitter sweet couple of days, and by the end of reading this I am sure most will be wondering, she can not be serious... I will clarify now, I am.I remember the day I brought her home, my first business investment, Hensley June.  I was so sick that day, high fever/congesting/sore throat, you name it I had it.  But I was a woman determined and nothing would have gotten in my way that day.  I was there the moment the store opened, walked in all foggy headed as all the legal doses of cold medicine can possibly make a person but I already knew what I wanted and it wouldn't take me long to be in, out and on my way back home.  Once back home, I stayed conscious long enough to do an initial set up, shut down, then it was lights out and rest for the both of us.  You see what lay ahead were many longer than long hours/days/weeks...years, more than anyone may anticipate.  That day ABCs Memories was born, that day I bought a not only a computer, but the hardest working, most reliable assistant a person could ask for!  From that day on there were many ups and downs, celebrations and uncertainties, some nights so long the sun even seemed to pop back up in the middle of them.... Without fail she was always there for me and for the business.  No matter how I was feeling, she never let me down.  Even through all the late night face plant to keyboard by yours truly, she never wavered her devotion, never judged.Over the last few months I knew something was up, I knew she wasn't feeling quite herself.  Although still performing fast as ever, some times right in the middle of our work day she would just tap out mid process.  A few words and pats of encouragement she would start right back up where she left off, incredible speed as always.  I always did my best to keep her looking great, inside and out, and incredibly organized (she really was a little OCD about her files/folders).  My only regret is that I had not realized how sick she really was and how short amount of time we had left.  You see, I have been under the weather myself and the day I finally felt up to working again, I ran my finger across her wake me button.... only she didn't wake.  The dash lights came on and nothing further... this can't be I said.  She must have gotten unplugged and just need to check the connections, let her rest and charge up everything will be fine.  Over the next 24 hours I tried all the basic logical checks, still nothing.  The following day I dropped her off at the doctors office, the first time she's been left anywhere without me, I think there was enough left that we were both scared.  Nothing, and I mean nothing, could have prepared me for that phone call I received just over 24 hours later.  The guy actually told me over the phone she is dead, or dying, but she is regardless, beyond repair.  They offered to keep and 'recycle' her for me.  I explained she may never work again, but I need to bring her home.  Yesterday I walked back into that office and picked up Hensley in one arm, her memories in the other, and headed home.You see, if you have made it this far, I don't doubt you are thinking ok this girl is crazy.  But flesh or electronic, family is family to me.  I could never have gotten where I have with out the support of my family, computer included.  Most clients chuckle if there hear me refer to any of my cameras of lenses by name, yes I do name my equipment, I may have a skill/talent however you choose to put it, but without the electronics it isn't able to be carried out.  I  take great care in choosing and maintaining the upkeep of all my babies, I rely on their everyday health to keep working.  Crazy or not, I fully respect my tools.Tonight ABCs welcomed a new member to the family, Virginia Gale.  I haven't been able to work in well over a week and hopefully she will be fully set up and I will hit the ground running in the next day or two.  So far we have spent the evening familiarizing ourselves with each other and discussing our expectations.  Here is to many more late nights with another great assistant.  Gone but never forgotten Hensley, you could never be replaced, but shoot fire lady, you definitely worked harder than I could have ever asked, keep an eye on Virginia.... I think she's up to the task!Thank you all for your patience, we are working hard to get back up on track, albums posted and orders out, keep in mind we are setting up from scratch, but diligently doing so.  Any further questions or concerns you may always email  (PS: No, there was no information/client images lost)Sami


Number 5...


They told me that the moon will not shine forever....