Alone, Together (Concert Style)
In light of the pandemic, I’ve witnessed new trend growing among photographers.
Creatives - create, artists - create, and in preservation of our mental health we must be innovative to grasp opportunities found even within change.
Just as artists must create, individuals and families alike still wish to document their life in images, it’s what we do.
Bridging that gap, satisfying the needs of a creative and the needs of others to document this time of life, enter the ability to still conduct a photoshoot in a capacity we are still able to follow safer at home guidelines. And I’m not talking about porch sessions, while still creative, this newer venture is (to me) leveling up creativity.
Photographers are now performing photoshoots, with client, via the video phone call we all know as FaceTime.
They will instruct you on where to sit, where to stand, how to adjust your pose just as they would at an in person shoot.
Individual photographers have been putting their own take on this trend. Some are taking a screenshot on their phone, some are styling the shoot further by creating a design of elements surrounding their (the photographers) phone and shooting the scene with their dslr camera.
The results are nothing short of breathtaking.
The connection, the communication individuals are able to navigate with such success creating these images together shows a special unity in these uncertain times.
This is yet another act that gives meaning to Alone, Together.
As I’ve loved seeing these sessions filter onto my social media, I’ve had no bandwidth to perform such a task for myself.
Enter Saturday I was relaxing on the patio taking in my 3rd intimate Garth and Trisha concert of the pandemic. Color me spoiled, I know.
As I watch so many people I know posting memes about RIP my concert going life -I sit and think I’ve enjoyed more concerts during this pandemic than I did previously.
Several simplistically intimate concerts from the comfort of (in most cases) their home, straight to mine.
Just as photographers are creating FaceTime Photoshoots, musicians all over the country are taking to Live Streaming personal shows, filling a need to create their version of artistry, filling a need for those of us who love live music.
Saturday Garth and Trisha played to an empty Opry, and as I saw them standing there I thought I need to take a screen shot and show my mom -look Garth is standing where I stood just a short time ago.
Then it hit me! FaceTime photoshoot!
I ran upstairs to my desk grabbed my camera and started shooting the live concert of Garth and Trisha at the Opry! It has been awhile since I have felt a creative bug hit, as I’m sure many have experienced to some degree, a lot of days I’m just surviving whatever the day is in this time.
So at first I questioned my sanity, then I felt like a mad genius. FaceTime photoshoot -concert style!
Remembering I had the coveted boxed vinyl set I decided to add these details during my shoot, to create more of atmosphere to these memories I will look back on and cherish the moment, the moment among a time I’m in surviving mode where I felt revived in that fire that is my creative self at my core.
So without further ado, I share with you my Garth and Trish live at the Opry FaceTime Photoshoot!Take good care, Travel Safe!SamiAnd as Garth and Trisha would say, we are all in this together, Alone - Together <3
Take good care and travel safe,