Drive It Like You Stole It

"Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it." Haruki Murakami

Whatever is most environmentally friendly and cost effective is what my goals are when I exit this life.

While I haven’t planned fully what that will look like, I know that I don’t want all the waste in the way of today’s traditional funeral.

The amount of money that falls within that dynamic of today’s funeral and burial process to include a cost of materials to hold onto and preserve something no longer needed -it’s a waste of resources financially and physically.

I do however, understand paying for a service to process this body. And I’d rather pay that service cost vs pay for those materials (wood, metals, fabrics, concrete) that are no good to anyone 6 foot underground.

Maybe this is why I get weird at funerals, that and, "No one ever told me that grief felt so much like fear." C.S. Lewis. Fear is a hard emotion to learn to embrace and learn to work along side-so much so I tell myself often DO IT AFRAID.... that's become my mantra in a lot of life.

In all honesty though, I've just never understood the process of a funeral. Not that I don’t fully honor the specific process I'm used to seeing and honor the perspective of others, but I’ve definitely never spoke of my different perspective either.

But here I am, and burying empty bodies that are no more than a vehicle who’s engine has quit, and the cost therein, is peculiar to me in the fashion that is the societal norm.

So I study occasionally and read and contemplate other options.

I'd rather spend that money on a celebration instead- a no holds barred kind of celebration to cry, laugh, curse me and feel in whatever way suits you! Order catering of your favorite foods, beverages, musical entertainment and provide nourishment to your body, mind, soul when you need it most in grieving the loss of me. That is money well spent, not on a small chunk of dirt, concrete and a box.

Once I’m no longer in this vehicle why preserve its emptiness? I won’t be purchasing any piece of ground rendering it further unusable for the sustainability for those still living.

I won’t be in this body in any capacity. Pictures and videos, that is the way to preserve remembering what someone looked like, sounded like and their presence in a life with you.

I’ll be with you everywhere when that time comes, I won’t be stationary to one purchased spot of dirt, in the ground, in a box so far below you can’t see this shell anyway. When I molt and shed from this skin, don’t throw it in a box.

If you know me you know my belief in openness to spirit -if you let yourself feel it you will know my presence and feel my love. Have conversations with me still (if you want) I’ll be listening, but don’t feel confined to doing so standing over one small section of land and instead take me everywhere! Take me on your adventures and share with me your excitements and fears there, in the moment, that is where I will be.

I’m a spiritual being of this universe and while I drive this bitch like I stole her, enjoy that..... and after, recycle the parts that are left back to the earth as she belongs.

I've read a Native American Wisdom "When the blood in your veins returns to the sea, and the earth in your bones returns to the ground, perhaps you will remember that this land doesn't belong to you, it's you who belong to this land...."

While this is the thought process I’ve had for so many years, it doesn’t seem often talked about and that is ok.

If you’re curious to learn more about possibilities and even our footprint with current mass processes I invite you to check out this amazing informational resource I saw today. I know as time goes on I will continue looking into the evolution of the process that is death, educate myself to know what is best when beautiful vessel craps out.

Take good care & Travel safe,


I am not my body, it is true. I am my soul. My body is a vessel, here to share light and love!

rainbow reflections


Memories In A Face