Matthew McConaughey said “Knowing who we are is hard, eliminate who you are not first and you’re going to find yourself exactly where you need to be. The race is never over, the journey has no port, the adventure never ends because we are always on the way”

That was a beautiful message for me one day, so much I wrote it down and I’ve thought on it a lot.

Now- according to the Gospel Coalition, a generational curse describes the cumulative effect on a person of things that their ancestors did, believed, or practiced in the past, and a consequence of an ancestor’s actions, beliefs, and sins being passed down.

But I’m not buying it, not with the penny I found on the ground.

A curse is to denote a supernatural power to inflict harm or punishment on someone, or something.

The way I see it, what is described as generational curses, is simply patterns of behavior that evolve over time, actions that seem as patterns, but are just actions of those doing the best they can with the information they have on any given day and differ ever so slightly generation to generation.

Hey, grand scheme spoiler- none of us know what we are doing!

But we can choose, at any time, to bounce on our branch of that family tree and shake it up to learn who we are based on our life experiences to date and in that, our own reactions and developed coping mechanisms. A simple cause and effect.

The idea of breaking generational curses and starting new lineages isn’t to place blame on our elders, rather it is an ability to recognize a behavior or action that no longer serves your highest good, finding another way better suited and moving forward.

It's ok to let it all go, float the feather away in a breeze, and feel the weight of the world lift off your shoulders.

Focusing on clearing generational trauma, doesn’t mean ignoring the generational strengths. Our elders gave us more than just wounds and while we repair those, find solace in the strengths.

So many times I’ve heard it said, and I know I've at least thought it....

Yah well, if my parents taught me anything, they taught me what NOT to do!

...and mind you, with a negative connotation.

What I have learned though is a truer meaning when saying our parents taught us what not to do, it isn’t to say they got it wrong, it’s saying we all learn from experience- it’s saying our parents are teaching us and we are learning!

It's moving from victim mindset into owning our own shit and understanding the strength in that.

What is even more beautiful, when our elders learn from us and grow with us. They aren't here to damn us, I'll say it again, we all do the best we can in any given day with what we know in any given moment.

How did the first (whoever) learn to secure a tire to a vehicle?

Trial and error I assume.

And we benefit from that.

We get to safely travel down the road on our journey with tires securely attached to our vehicle.

Our parents gave us our vehicle, even equipped with tires ya'll!

Sometimes we hit rocks and need to patch that shit up and keep going as long as they serve us and sometimes after we go off roading a bit we are ready for a new tire here and again, and then, those show up.

Doesn't mean the first set was faulty, they did their job and got us where we needed to get, they just no longer work on all roads we want access to.

So if you’re searching for the one person that will change your life, look in the mirror, and get ready to undress that heart, soul and mind.

I can’t express how liberating it is to understand where you've been and have the ah ha moment of "DAMMER JIM!” I developed this behavior in reaction to this experience and it has stuck all these years -I want to be done with it now.

But still doing so with the utmost respect for the time you spent in that space.

We are all born with different strengths, keeping your thoughts, words and actions aligned with love will undoubtedly set you on a path to be the divine designer of your life and you can make it a magical one.

"....we are always on the way"

Take good care and travel safe, Samiimg027img002img003


When I'm Here: But Not


Drive It Like You Stole It