365 day journey around the sun

James and Claire are ONE!They don't joke when they tell you the older you get the faster time flies! I was never so emotionally unprepared for not just one, but two more baby clients to turn the big one year old. I met James and Claire still fresh and new in the hospital on Mothers Day 2014. I couldn't imagine a better way to spend Mothers Day but to celebrate brand new life. Actually, I think roaming maternity wards giving the gift of images on every Mothers Day would be the perfect day -every year. But these babies, were my last frequent flyers. I've loved watching so many babies grow every couple of months over the years, but to keep watching my own babies grow I just have been taking the low and slow road.When you come to the end of a one year (plan), if feels like a breakup. We spend the first year talking often, watching babies grow together and then all of the sudden it is just over. Every family leaves a footprint on my life and in my heart. Maybe to some (we) are just the photographer, but I always walk away feeling like everyone is family. If you need someone, I am here. I have an inside joke (with myself, yes very inside joke) that a tagline at the bottom of my business cards should say "We are friends now... hashtag winky face"! Would that not totally creep everyone out! And maybe a picture of my face peeking through a window.... Haha!In all seriousness, I love watching your babies grow with you. I love their milestones and watching their little characters develop. Before you know it those baby faces start to take shape of little boys and girls. And the next time I will see them I won't even recognize the little person standing before me either being incredibly shy or chatting my ear off!Enjoy -every day!Samiinsert shameless plug herehave you voted for people's choice yet? abcs memories photography is listed under•favorite people•photographer ;)http://journalcourier.secondstreetapp.com/l/JJC-Voters-Choice-2015/Ballot/FavoritePeople french053115_4 copy french053115_11 copy french053115_17 copy french053115_27 copy french053115_37 copy french053115_39 copy french053115_41 copy french053115_56 copy french053115_77 copy 


your first breath


my mind is like a tunnel