Changing the Lens
When I started off a new Instagram account I had such high intentions of what I felt was successful, measurable (to me) behavior in using this account.
I came up with ideas on deck that I wanted to talk about and how often I wanted to post.
Then before I knew it a tragic loss struck my life and soon after when I opened my Instagram to this account -I felt failure.
I’d already lost momentum.
So what was the point.
I almost deleted the account as if to pretend it never happened.
I set these expectations on myself, that especially with a new account I had to (hit the ground running) and when I tripped right after the first turn…
It was almost like a feeling of embarrassment consumed me.
What I did not see what how successfully I honored my time with family.
Honored my time with myself.
Honored my time in grief.
And that is something I’ve never been good at, the aspect of rest and allowing myself time to just be.
And I did it!
So maybe I hyper fixated on what I believed was a failure, only to then not actively recognizing my success.
But even that was temporary.
My intentions were changed due to events uncontrolled, and actually I successfully course corrected.
I just forgot to change the lens in which I was seeing life through in those moments.
This was a much bigger win than I could have anticipated, and I almost missed it.
But, now I see it and that is such a reward.
Take good care and travel safe,